Wednesday 10 August 2011

Kena peramah ke????

Somebody asked me.. "mu ngajar mcm mana, bercakap dop dalam kelas?".. i replied " mngajar la, nak mngajar cmner kalo tak bercakap" (smbil kerut2 dahi).. rupanya dia konpius sbb sayer ni jenis tak byk sgt ckp tp jadi lecturer tiba2... Pendiam tak bererti tak pandai bercakap cuma sayer rasa letih nak bercakap byk..kalo bercakap masa lecture byk2 berbaloi sbb dapat duit ($_____$)..kalo ckp kosong tak dapat apa, telan angin je..(ehehhehe).. tp apa2 pun i try to change myself to be better.. pendiam sgt pun susah jugak, karang org ckp sombong (sombong ke?? (@.@) )..uhuhuhu... org yg tnya tu bukan org lain pun, abg sdiri jugak sbb masa g umrah dulu dia tya sepatah, sayer jwb sepatah (yelah, kalo duk tya masa on the way gi n balik masjid,tgh2 panas buta naik turun bukit lagi mana la ada hati nk bercakap byk, tak gtu.hoho)...

p/s: tiba2 teringat byk barangan peribadi yg dah abes..perlu ke bndar sekarang juga...Vroooooommmmmm.....


  1. wow.... that's zatul! she's rather taciturn, but really nice person!
    She could hear any problem (especially finance problem. hehehhe....). nice to know U in ranaco. :)

    I'm waiting for your story about umroh. ;)

  2. thanx ari :D..btw, nice to know u too..n later we'll chat about many things to share.ehehe

  3. mmg sakit hati bile tnye sepatah jwb sepatah....tu yg wat org mls nk bersembang tuuu...kikiki

  4. kekeke...mmg itula niatnya..letihla nak bersembang :P
